Roy Kizer pairings now available

Pairings for Roy Kizer on January 30 are now available.

Jimmy Clay Pairings Now Available

Pairings for the Jimmy Clay event on January 15, 2011 are now available.

All players are responsible for knowing tournament specifics including Pairings, Assigned Tees, Flights, Tee Times, and Rules of Play. This information will be posted at the Jimmy Clay Pavilion before the start of play.

All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

Jeff Bowman and Eddie Nunez will be the Directors in charge of this event. Please direct any questions or concerns to them.

New Login Accounts for Members

If you're a member you should have recently received login instructions for the new site. If you didn't get them, don't worry -- just click on the My Account option in the main menu and request a new password.

Use either the email address you normally receive CTGA communications through or your username which will be in the format FirstnameLastname, e.g. EddieNunez. The system will then send you a link to reset your password. You can then change both your password and your username into something more familiar to you.